Friday, June 12, 2009

The Chronicles of Nara: Chapter Three - Deer Meat

All these dear running around acting like they own the place made me wonder if they would eat anything, even meat.

So me and amadeus, an irish guy currently residing at the nara tree, went out on an adventure to see if the deer had the guts to eat more than just crackers and other folks maps.

our first stop was at the huge buddha hall, where we were downright bombarded by groups of school kids wanting their picture taken with two guys from foreign countries. at one point, i started asking all of the kids what country they thought i was from, just by looking at my face, and every time i asked, they said france.

so what is it that french folks and i have in common? the world may never know, other than i like french fries. what do they call french fries in france? here in japan, french fries are called fried potatoes.

but whats even wackier...corn dogs...are called...

american dogs

did anybody know that the most popular treat in japan named after the country of america is the corn dog? corn dogs can be bought at many convenience stores, and since they are one of my favorite treats, i always find myself asking one of the workers there to pull me an american dog hot off the grill.

and boy they sure are tasty.

me and amadeus stopped my mcdonalds on the way to meet some of the deer, and i bought two burgers to try out on them. first was a regular hamburger, made with two buns, a pickle, some small shreds of onion, mustard, tomato, and something that looks and tastes like it might be cow meat. second was something called the mcpork, big in japan, made with lettuce, two buns, some weird pseudo-barbeque sauce, and something that looks and tastes like it might be pig meat. the mcpork is one food that i would never pay to eat, and thats saying a lot, because i eat AND like almost anything.

so we tried to give the deer this hamburger, and it worked. out of a small posse of about eight deer, one came up and started chowing down on it. the rest were not at all interested in the burger. it was a happy time for me and amadeus when that deer ate our hamburger.

later we tried the mcpork, and just like i hate it, the deer hate it too. one of the deer took one bite and walked away angrily, forcing me to throw the rest of it into a nearby lake the next day after it was too rotten for even a deer to eat. the turtles enjoyed it.

makes me wonder if the meat might be made of deer and the one that totally woofed down the burger might be a cannibal. im gonna go out and check outside to see if any deer are hanging from nearby trees with the words "traitor" written above them on a cardboard sign.

more havoc to come

1 comment:

  1. haha I'm glad this is how you spend your days... looks like fun! LOL...
