takaoka is located between to larger cities Kanazawa and Toyama, so i walked from his home to the station. it took about an hour. it was only raining a little bit.
i got off at the train stations and walked around parks in the area. looked at trees, streams, and of course the inevitable shrine and castle. it was good to get out and get some fresh air that day.
its good to get out and look for the small things. i have mentioned before about finding meaning in life by the small and often fleeting moments of happiness. we often have to fall back on those things to get us through the most difficult moments of life.
for me, today was a day of looking for beauty in small things. as i have been going along, i realized i have come halfway through my journey and had a lifetime of significant and special experiences. i have been running out of gas as of late and am looking for some time to rest and simply sit back, relax, and enjoy the simple things of this world.
the leaves on the trees, the rain, the wind, the love of a parent for a child and the feeling of love in general.
the animals, the insects, the rocks and the sky.
many of the names and places of the country are named for things in nature, which i reckon might be the same as people in america. names like brooks or field or stone, we have mel brooks, sally field and stone cold steve austin.
so as much as i would have loved to have a truly adventurous day, this one was less than what i have been able to tell of previously. this was more of a day to refuel and begin the next part of my trip, the final half, which may come as a more difficult ordeal than i had expected.
we never really know.
I think it is significant that you enjoy the really simple things of life. So many young folks now have to be constantly going, be engaged in some busy activity, etc...it's good to just step back and look at things--really look at things and appreciate the simple gifts.